Thursday, March 08, 2007

Test Completed

Well, here I am. Back home from my stress test. This was a totally different kind than I have had before. I still had to walk on the treadmill, but since they couldn't get my heart rate up where they wanted it during the last test, they opted to do a chemical stress test. They inject the chemical directly into an IV in your fact they run a new line into the IV, sort of like a piggyback line. It makes your heart rate rise.....FAST and you feel really hot and short of breath and you think you can't get enough oxygen into your body. It makes you feel really funny, almost drunk like.....light headed and disoriented. Then I got this terrific headache.....worse than any migraine I have ever had!! It lasted for about 2 hours. Thank goodness it is gone now.

I don't know if I passed or not. Their 'nuclear computer' wasn't working properly so they couldn't read the results. The doctor did say that from all the other information the gleaned today, it looked good. Except.....for when he listened to my heart. He heard a murmur that had never been there before. He thinks it is in the Aortic Valve and it isn't something terribly awful. Just something that I would need to take antibiotics for before any kind of medical or dental procedures. I have to go tomorrow for an Echo-cardiogram and then they will know more.

So after all this, I really still don't know anything.....except I am still alive because I'm sitting here typing!


Bill said...

I hope things remain in your favor Martie. God is good either way, right?

How is drew?

Anonymous said...

Keeping my fingers crossed and sending lots of positive vibes~~~~~~~

Oh, and here's some hugs ((((Martie))))

Anonymous said...

amazing when the tests tell you what you already know ;)

janet copenhaver said...

Lordy what an ordeal. Don't think I could have taken an ordeal like that not feeling well to begin with.
Hope all turns out ok.

Nelly said...

Well thank goodness you're still typing!! ;)

pmo3ws(Kathy) said...

I am saying a prayer for you and I hope the rest of your journey is certainly better than your past few days. When we have our health we have everything.