and a few other things. Not necessarily wanted things, but they have arrived none the less.
I opened the blinds this morning and discovered THEM! THEM meaning the dreaded "box elder bugs". They either hatched or just swarmed due to the unseasonably warm weather we have been having. There must have been thousands of them. This being the first year in our new home I didn't have a clue as to how to get rid of them. Thank goodness for the internet! But, much to my chagrin, there isn't any thing on the market that is really effective in controlling (by controlling I mean killing) them this time of year.
According to the internet the best way to get rid of them if they have infested your house is to vacuum them up. So, hubby decided to take his shop vac to them on the outside of the house. I'm sure that if the neighbors saw him outside vacuuming they must be thinking "ah, the new folks are either really clean, or really crazy". Trust me, the later one is probably truer! It looks as if he got the majority of them which is great since he burned the motor up in his shop vac sucking the varmint up. But it feels like an even trade to me......1 vacuum versus thousands of red and black flying pests! We will replace the shop vac soon.........then, "have vac, will travel!"
Crazy things! They must taste terrible - my dog will chase them down, gobble them, and then ptooey them right back out, making an "Ewww!" face. LOL!
dang. get a spray bottle, fill it with soap and water,and spray them! the soap does something strange like block off airpassages and kills them. Windex does the job too. OR. . . just get some clorox and the scent alone may keep them away.
times like this i dont miss wv. i remember those things!!!
Thanks for the tip, Stephen.....I'll have to try that. BTW, I have visited your blog and enjoy reading what you have written. You are very good!
I remember box elders! I haven't seen one in quite some time. We must not have them in this part of KS...
How about June bugs? Now those were some buzzing, creepy things! Why did they always seem to get caught in my hair when I was trying to get in the house as a child?!
I hate bugs! I love fall, but the bugs make me want that first hard freeze! Good luck with the creatures!
I have figured out who you are ;) When did you know? It can still remain a secret. Let's keep these worlds separate from the "real" world.
I knew when I read your post about "in the know". When did you know? Good idea.....the separate part!
I knew for sure when I read the box elder bug post. :)
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