Saturday, August 12, 2006


As another August rolls around and my first (deceased) husbands birthday has just passed, I wonder.....

who'd you be today? Sitting here listening to a Kenny Chesney song and wondering about my first husband, Dave. He died too young. At the age of 34 of Malignant Melanoma.....a lethal form of skin cancer. I wonder who he would be today. Who would my kids be today? Would they be any different if they had been raised by both of us instead of just me? I'll never know the answer to that question. But still, I wonder....

Also, wondering about my stillborn grandson, Owen. We never got a chance to know him; to watch him grow; to enjoy him and who he would be today!


Ame said...

oh ... i have only tears ... no words ...

Renee said...

That song always make me think about certain people in my life too and wonder . .
I'm sending happy vibes your way.

Anonymous said...


Sending you friendship hugs. It is rough sometimes to think of loved ones that have gone on to heaven and wonder about what if they had lived longer. I miss my aunt. She died of cancer in her mid fourties. Her birthday was in July. All of her kids except one had just graduated before she passed. But, they were all still young, you know. Two in their early twenties and one still in highschool. They needed their mom. But, things happen for reasons. Those who have passed are still with us I truly believe.

chesneygirl said...

One of my favorite Kenny songs!

Always really makes me think too.

Hugs to you! :)

clew said...

You know I remember with you, my friend.

Much love.

Bainwen Gilrana said...

Blessings, sweet friend. :-)