I spent the weekend at one of my son's home helping him care for his 3 children. His wife had to go out of town and he wasn't sure he could take care of all of them alone for a whole weekend. The oldest boy is 9, the next boy is 2 1/2 and the baby girl is 7 1/2 months. He has cared for them for a few hours at a time, but never the total care of all three for 2 days and nights. Panic set in and he asked for help. Of course I said "yes". This is probably only the 4th or 5th time in the last 9 years that he has asked for any kind of help and I couldn't have said "no" even if I had wanted to, which I didn't!
Amber was going to spend the weekend with us, so she went along to play with her cousins. Every thing went well......up until about 1/2 hour before we were going to leave. Then Amber fell in the driveway. She lost her balance (something about getting her feet tangled in the hose) and fell backwards and caught herself with her left elbow. Oh my, the screaming was awful. I thought that the neighbors would call the police. It was loud and looooonnnnng! We finally got her calmed down enough to check it out and we decided we should wait until today to see if it was feeling better. It wasn't! But we tried everything to try to entice her to use it normally. Going for a bike ride with Bumpa, usually a favorite activity. Playing video games is another big hit, but not today. So finally this evening, after listening to her complain off an on all day, I decided to call her mom and take her into the hospital emergency room. That was about 8:30 PM. It is now Monday morning at 12:50 AM, and we just got back. The doctor said he didn't see any fracture on the x-ray, but perhaps the radiologist would see something, and sent us on our way with instructions to ice it and give ibuprofen every 4 hours as needed for pain. If the radiologists sees something, the doctor said they will call and have us come back for casting of her arm. It is the humorous bone in her left arm and when the doctor told her which bone of hers hurts, she told him that she didn't think there was any humor in the whole situation. Eleven going on 19, with an attitude to match any full blown PMS teen-age girl!! I gotta go put her in bed before she gets even more of an attitude from being tired!
Martie, you are a lucky grandma to always beable to help with your grandkids, I wish I was so lucky to have some one like you. Take care of Amber's arm, I understand about broken bones, I hope the x-rays come back fine.
Amber has a good sense of humor! I hope all is fine with her arm and it heals quickly. You are a good grandma!
gosh - sometimes it seems the er is our home away from home, doesn't it?! i wouldn't find that so humerous, either ;) very sharp "little" 11 year old!!!!!
how wonderful that your son asked for help :) and that you love helping and see it as a privalege ;)
one good thing about coming over here is that you always give me the positive-reinforcement I need. Sometimes I need to escape my darkened blog to come to the flowers and petals over here!
mindless dribbler ~ I'm not often "kid-free", and I'm not quite sure how this all came about. Just the mere fact of becoming a grandma, I think...LOL!
editor ~ she does have quite a sense of humor for her age...she is a joy!
ame ~ the funny thing is that I've already done all this stuff and thought that I was finished with it...some jobs just never end (thank goodness).
bougie black boy ~ I'm glad you find stopping by an enjoyable interlude and thanks for thinking this space contains flowers and petals! ;)
Connie and Rob ~ I think that even a badly bruised bone takes time to heal and we're still hoping the radiologist doesn't call us! Thanks for your thoughts.
If only every kid could have a special grandma like you!! :)
Poor Grandma....and poor Amber. Ouch, the funny bone has absolutely nothing funny about it - I couldn't imagine having that bother me on a regular basis! UGH.
mindless dribbler ~ am I missing something here? I know it's Wednesday.....what are you talking about?
Goodness, everyone's breaking!
my daughter has that witty humor as well.... she is only 4 and oh my goodness... my days are numbered i can tell....
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