Saturday, February 18, 2006

Arctic Blast & Tribute To Energy Workers

Man it's cold here in Michigan! I think when any other state says they want some cold, cold air we can ship it to them from Michigan. It's 2 PM and the outside temperature is now a big whopping 9 degrees. When I got up this morning at 8 AM, it had already warmed up to ZERO!! I'm glad I'm able to stay inside where it is warm. Hubby went to cut more firewood. He left about 1/2 hour ago but I have a strong hunch that he won't be gone very long today!

Last night in the surrounding counties the news said that there were still 100,000 homes without electricity. And this morning there were over 50,000 people still without. Those poor people must be freezing without any way to stay warm! I don't know of any kind of heat (excluding a wood burning fireplace or stove) that doesn't use some form of electricity to either start the furnace or blow the heat through the house. I checked with all my extended family members to make sure they all had electricity and weren't freezing and was happy to hear that they were all okay.

I would hate to be an energy worker this week. They must be getting a lot of overtime in trying to restore everyone's power. I guess the money would be nice but I bet they are all mighty cold having to work outside for longer periods of time to try and get everyone's service restored.

They deserve a special round of applause for their efforts alone.


Cheryl said...

I guess I shouldn't complain about the cold rain here in L.A.? Bundle up, Martie!

Michelle said...

I can attest to the frigid temps here. It's biting cold that goes right to the bone. I can't imagine being out in it for more than a few minutes at a time. My heart goes out to the homeless population no matter what the circumstances that led them there.

Michelle said...

You changed your blog! I like it.

Martie said...

The cold is the main reason your middle brother is here right now, Naive! Let's talk soon, okay?

Anonymous said...

I like your blog change! I don't want any cold air. It is truly awful to be without electricity during the winter months for even a short period of time. In 1996, we had a major ice storm. I was without power for 3 days. During those 3 days, we only had highs in the upper 20's and 30's. It was truly a nightmare!

clew said...

I agree! Cheers to the energy workers - they're underappreciated!

WOW - blog template change! I thought I hit the wrong link at first! ;)

Pretty in pink!

Nelly said...

I like the new look of your site! Easy on the eyes.

Those energy workers get a standing O!!!

Lori said...

Love your new look! Can't wait until I have time to figure it all out!

We had a major ice storm a few years back and were w/out electricity for 9 VERY cold days! Miserable. But I think about the people out there working hard every moment and it makes me thankful for what I have.