Monday, January 09, 2006

Why am I here?

Did you ever wonder what you are here for? What your purpose in life really is? I've been wondering that a lot lately and I don't know why.

Are we here because we just ARE? Or are we here because God has a plan for us? And if that is the case, what is His plan? What are we supposed to accomplish through our lives.....

I have no answers. I know that He hasn't taken me Home yet because there are still things that I haven't learned along the way. And I believe that He wants us to learn lots of lessons before he calls us Home. I have screwed up so many times while learning these lessons that I would have given up on me....but not God. Even though we live in a "toss it out" society, God never tosses us out as long as we keep trying. He gives us chance after chance after chance. Should we do any less for our loved ones and friends when we think they have screwed up? Probably not! We should all try to be more like the Lord, even though sometimes our patience is sorely taxed and wearing pretty thin.

Maybe that is what we are here for. God only knows!!


Anonymous said...

I think you touch more people than you realize. If you knew the kind of impact you had in people's lives, you would probably have your answer. Hugs!

Lori said...

Rosie is right, Martie. :-)

I've always felt that there is something out there that I am supposed to do...something wonderful. As yet, I haven't figured it out, but there is a feeling inside that it will become clear and be something magnificent!

Or maybe that's called 'wishful thinking'?!

Nelly said...

Hey Martie! First time visiting and I love your blog. I'll be back to read more later!

clew said...

You're so right - how many of us haven't wondered about these things! After all this time (ha ha, I'm an ancient and wise women) I have come to my own conclusion that there are many things the human mind is just too infantile to grasp, and this is one of them :). The best we can do is, like when we were babies and fully trusted our parents, place all our faith in the Lord, that He'll put us in our place of purpose and will always care for our needs. :)

Michelle said...

Ditto what everyone else said. We'll never know the impact we've had on other people.

Bill said...

I believe according the word of God we are here to grow in grace and to bring as many people to Jesus as we can. For whatever reason (And only He knows why) but God chose to use men and women to share the good news of his forgiveness and grace to a lost generation. I beleive we are here to reach our generation and I believe we that all we need to do is bring them to Jesus and he does the rest.