Thursday, October 07, 2010

Indian Summer

Okay, October is here and today is supposed to be very pleasant.  Perhaps the rest of the week will be like Indian Summer.  I remember Indian Summer as a kid.  It was always so could actually go outside and play without bundling up to stay warm.  Hope this day proves to be one of them. Not that I can play, but I can sit on the deck and read!

Yesterday was my dad's birthday, although he has been gone since 1963.  He was killed by a drunk driver when I was 17 years old.  And although it's been 47 years ago, I can still remember getting the call from the hospital to come as soon as possible and making the trip with my mom!  One of the worst days of my life.............there have been other bad ones too.  Like when my mom passed away 3 years later and my first husband dieing of cancer at the age of 34; losing a grand baby 9 years ago.  Let's hope there aren't anymore days like that for a long while!  Sorry, this seems to have gotten a little maudlin and I didn't mean for it too!

But it is a beautiful day outside, and I think I will wait just a wee bit longer for it to warm up a little's 64º out now and it is supposed to get warmer in a little while, before I head out on the deck to read.  And maybe, just maybe, the box elder bugs won't be so bad today! 

Saturday, October 02, 2010


The wedding was lovely.   The bride and groom are thrilled as are all 6 of the kids they blended into one big family..............sort of like the Brady Bunch.......only I'm sure they will have more trouble than the blended TV family..........LOL!  As you can see, it was an outdoor wedding and although the rain held off until the next day, it was pretty chilly with a temp of only about 57º!  The bridesmaids, as well as the bride, all had sundresses on and while they looked very nice, they also looked very cold.

My oldest daughter is a photographer and she took their wedding pictures as their family gift to the new couple.  She is still editing a lot of them as she works full time outside the home and has a family to take care of too.  But they will get them all (400 of them) on a disk very soon and they can look through them at their leisure and pick the ones they want!

Needless to say, I cried.  This was our last one to get married!  Although they have 6 children between them and they will have to blend it and make it work, I am confident that they can do it.  After all, my son had good teachers.  We did it too, but only with five kids!

I called them the other day to see how things were and they both sounded so much in love that I almost cried again!

So, this is the only update in a while, I will try to remember to get back her more often to read others and to write!